The Mound: Omen of Cthulhu – Official Reveal Trailer | Nacon Connect 2025

Watch the reveal trailer for The Mound: Omen of Cthulhu, an upcoming first-person horror game with online co-op for up to 4 players from developer ACE Team (Clash: Artifacts of Chaos and the Zeno Clash series). Step into a strange jungle, see nightmarish creatures, and get a peek at co-op gameplay in this The Mound: Omen of Cthulhu trailer. The Mound: Omen of Cthulhu will be available in 2025 on PC, PS5 (PlayStation 5), and Xbox Series X|S.

Deep within an eerie and oppressive jungle, players must explore and survive monstrous, otherworldly entities that distort their senses and threaten their sanity… and their lives. Was that sound just an hallucination? Am I losing my mind and attacking my ally, or is there truly a hostile creature lurking in the shadows? As players venture deeper into the jungle, only teamwork will ensure they make it back alive.

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