Fireball Island – Board James (Episode 5)


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This is a board game that’s anything but boring!

Fireball Island was released by Milton Bradley in 1986. Instead of a flat board, players traverse a three-dimensional island in search of the idol Vul-Kar’s jewel. But escaping with the treasure won’t be easy.

Players utilize cards, bridges, caves, and tokens as they attempt to obtain the treasure. Once they have it, they become the target of the other players. And let’s not forget the 5 – count ’em – 5 fireballs that can come careening down the mountain at any moment to engulf the players and put them in a smolder pit. Then face the most harrowing challenge of them all – making your game piece fit on the boat!

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Superman 64 (N64) – Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

Super Nerd returns, this time to save Superman from two more bad video games. Superman: The Game for the Commodore 64, and the infamous Superman 64 for the Nintendo 64. This is Angry Video Game Nerd Episode 51.

Superman 64 was released for Nintendo 64 in 1999. It was based off Superman The Animated Series on Kids WB. It was also coming to PlayStation. But, however, the PlayStation Version was never release. After the game came out on Nintendo 64, it became the world’s Worst Video Game of all time besides E.T. for Atari 2600.

Lex Luthor just trap Superman’s friends (Lois, Jimmy, and Professor Hamilton) into Virtual Really. Superman has no choice to enter Virtual Really to save his friends.

You play as Superman and it’s your job to fly throw Rings in the first level. Then later you have to pick up cars before they run over people. Then you have to fly throw more Rings. Then you have to pick up the Police Car and carry it to the Goal. Then after that, guest what’s comes after that? MORE RINGS!!!

Is this game as bad as everyone said? Is this the Worst Game of all time? Watch this episode of The Angry Video Game Nerd and find out!

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Superman (NES) – Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

Bad games will never be faster than a speeding Super Nerd, as he reviews two bad video games based upon Superman, made for the Atari 2600 and NES. This is Angry Video Game Nerd Episode 50.

Since his print debut in 1938, Superman has become one of the most recognizable and beloved fictional characters of all time. It is inevitable that game companies would try to give players a Man of Steel simulation in some form.
Throughout the history of Superman games, balancing his near-invincibility with the need to provide a legitimate challenge has yielded peculiar results.
Here, the Nerd shows us two of the best-known Superman games (for the Atari 2600 and NES) to assess whether Krypton should be crapped on. He closes by teasing the next episode… one of his most-requested reviews of all time.

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Bible Games 2 – Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… unless you’re the Nerd. Instead of watching heart-warming Christmas specials, he’s playing some more bad games of biblical proportions, and the strange Christian-themed games just keep coming!

First up is Noah’s Ark, developed by Contra developers Konami and released in 1992 for the NES. Wrap your head around that one! After that, we’ve got Sunday Funday, a religious rehash of Menace Beach, a game where you play as a skateboarder who’s trying to save his girlfriend from gangsters before she gets stripped naked. How developers Color Dreams were inspired to turn this into a Christian game defies common sense. And just when you think it can’t get any worse, the Nerd busts out the baddest of the bad – Bible-themed games on the CD-i!

If you were hoping for peace and love this Christmas, you might be watching the wrong video. So spike your eggnog and grab your stockings, ’cause the Nerd is going to town on these awful games! 

This is Angry Videogame Nerd episode 62


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Indiana Jones Trilogy – Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

The Nerd dons his leather hat and whip, and delves into the holy grail of bad video games, as he looks at a collection of games based on the Indiana Jones film series, made for the Atari 2600, NES and SNES. This is Angry Video Game Nerd episode 48.

Indiana Jones. A pop-culture icon and legend. One of the first heroes for generations of nerds worldwide. Originally released in 1981, Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark was a smash success. With Harrison Ford in the lead hot off the Star Wars Trilogy and George Lucas teaming up with Steven Speilberg it was a perfect storm for a phenomenon.

Naturally, the franchise would get a video game treatment to capitalize on the success of games and the movies at the time. In this installment, the Nerd reviews to Atari 2600’s very cryptic and surprisingly dense Raiders of the Lost Ark game.

With the continued success of the movies the sequels also got 8 bit renditions. We also take a look at the Temple of Doom on NES, as well as the Last Crusade for NES. There is some hope as the Nerd ends with a mini-review of the SNES Indiana Jones Trilogy which finally gets the platform version right.

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