Dr DisRespect | The Address

“The Doc is personally getting tired of seeing these new hyped up gaming ‘Organizations’ who are more focused on the amount of subscribers they gain rather than producing new, innovative gaming content. All I see are big names, big talk, and a lot of subscribers falling into their fake money making trap. The Doc has never been about subs. I simply do this because I love shedding the utmost ridiculous amounts of blood and I try to display this through a creative outlet via my mindset and passion for gaming entertainment. These new ‘Organizations’ are the exact opposite of that.”

-Dr DisRespect

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TRAILER – Back To The Future Trilogy – Angry Video Game Nerd – Cinemassacre.com


In 2006, the “Nintendo Nerd” days, the Nerd revisited his childhood rage with games like Top Gun, Roger Rabbit and TMNT. Now, he RE-revisits those games and goes BACK to Back to the Future in time for the movie’s 25th Anniversary. In addition to the original NES version, we take an extensive look at the Back to the Future sequel games, rounding out the whole trilogy. It’s Nintendo Days Re-Revisited! #retro #retrogaming #nes #snes #jamesrolfe #mikematei #atari #playthrough #gameplay #gamereview

Dr DisRespect Gaming: No Commentary | EP3

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Today Aug. 25th
This Video’s Progession:

4:45pm – First game of the day and it was this one

5:30pm – After fueling up with protein, I decided to make this a video on my channel

6:00pm – Loaded the video in sony vegas and gently tinkered with some editing

6:25pm – Recorded the brutal voice

6:45pm – Started the rendering

7:15pm – Chatted with Nurse DisRespect on the walkie talkie

8:00pm – Checked to see if render was complete…I was correct

8:35pm – Uploaded to YouTube

10:30pm – Bloodshed!

Thanks for watching violence to the 9th degree!

-Dr DisRespect

Atari Jaguar (Part 2) – Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

The Atari Jaguar is host to a lineup of games that range wildly in quality. Some games are well-constructed and can be enjoyable, such as Alien vs. Predator and Tempest 2000. However, a majority of them do not fall into this category, and we are “treated” to the likes of a Mortal Kombat knockoff known as “Kisumi Ninja” and a game lacking any semblance of logic known as “Mutant Penguins.” Terrible games like these helped contribute to the extinction of Atari’s mighty 64-bit feline.
So how will the Nerd fair against this barrage of bad games? Will he be able to survive with his sanity intact? Or will he succumb to the madness? And will he learn how to fly? Watch and find out now!

This is Angry Videogame Nerd episode 66

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#AngryVideoGameNerd #AtariJaguar #AVGN66

Atari Jaguar (Part 1) – Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

The Angriest Gamer you’ve ever heard is back in part 1 of this 2 part review of the Atari’s Flagship 64 bit system released in 1993… The Jaguar. In part 1 of this review, The Nerd gives some Atari History, as well as a sneak peek of some of the system’s small and crappy library.

This is Angry Videogame Nerd episode 65

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Watch all Angry Video Game Nerd episodes https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2B009153AC977F90

Visit our website! http://cinemassacre.com/
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Mike’s Twitter! https://twitter.com/Mike_Matei
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#AngryVideoGameNerd #AtariJaguar #AVGN65

Dr DisRespect Gaming: IIHOWLEYII

“This man won Dr DisRespect’s High Level Contest a few weeks ago. He earned himself a special edition Dr DisRespect Commentary…Check out his channel for extreme permanent pain!”

IIHOWLEYII Channel: http://youtube.com/IIhowleyII

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Dr DisRespect | Outtakes

“I want to give appreciation to everyone, even the non-supporters, for helping the Doc achieve 15,000 million thousand hundred subscribers. We’ve only begun our campaign of bloodshed….. let the new journey begin!”

-Dr DisRespect

The Doc’s Twitterâ„¢

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Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker (Sega Genesis) – Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

Michael Jackson. The King of Pop. The figure behind the highest selling album of all time. The man who made countless hit after hit song. And, as the Nerd discovers, the star of his own Sega Genesis game!
Follow everyone’s foul-mouthed Nerd as he delves into a relic of the 80’s, Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker. Things only get more and more crazy as he has to deal with rescuing kids under fishy circumstances, unstoppable hordes of zombies, and M.J. grabbing his…err… naughty bits. And that’s not even including the dancing dogs, Bubbles the Monkey, and bizarre music omissions!
But no one could have seen coming what happens when everyone’s favorite Smooth Criminal takes a ride on a shooting star…

This is Angry Videogame Nerd episode 63

Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=JamesNintendoNerd

Watch all Angry Video Game Nerd episodes https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2B009153AC977F90

Visit our website! http://cinemassacre.com/
James Twitter! https://twitter.com/cinemassacre
Mike’s Twitter! https://twitter.com/Mike_Matei
Our Facebook Fanpage! https://www.facebook.com/Cinemassacre
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Merch! https://store.screenwavemedia.com/collections/cinemassacre

#AngryVideoGameNerd #MichaelJackson #AVGN63

Dr DisRespect Gaming: No Commentary | EP2

“Overgrown is a large, algae driven level. Overgrown has become the stomping ground for low level campers. Overgrown has slowly become victim to slow boring gameplay. Fortunately, there are still murderers in the gaming community.”

-Dr DisRespect

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