Faces of Evil / Zelda’s Adventure (CD-I Part 3) – Angry Video Game Nerd

In the third and final video in the Nerd’s CD-I series he plays through Link: The Faces of Evil and Zelda’s Adventure. Link: the Faces of Evil plays similarly to Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon and faces many of the same problems, including the confusing layouts and stiff controls.
Zelda’s Adventure is a different style game; it’s played with an overhead view and is modelled more like the original Zelda on NES. Its cut-scenes also use real actors instead of the zany cartoons so prevalent in the previous titles. Although it’s different, it’s not much better and features long loading times, annoying voice acting and a broken save system. The item menu also adds to the frustration; you must constantly be pulling it up and toggling through it to make any sort of progress. All three of these Zelda games and Hotel Mario have added to the CD-I’s legacy of being one of the worst consoles ever made, and one of the video game market’s biggest failures.

This is Angry Videogame Nerd episode 61

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