NES Accessories – Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

The Nerd reviews several accessories for the NES to find out how good or bad they are, including the NES Zapper and Power Pad, the Konami LaserScope, the Brøderbund UForce, and the LJN Roll & Rocker. He also spends some time finding out what the Super Scope for the SNES is like to play games with. This is Angry Video Game Nerd Episode 47.

Back in 1985, the NES helped to revitalize the video game industry following the crash of ’83. Nintendo set the standard when it came to video game consoles with this 8-bit home entertainment console and was the first to endorse third-party development. This, of course, led to many games — and, the subject of this video, accessories designed to enhance the player’s experience with their games. Some were good — such as the NES Max or the Zapper, though a lot more were terrible. Today, The Nerd looks at some of the worst, or lesser-known, and determines whether or not they perform as expected — such as the Konami Laser Scope and the LJN Roll ‘n’ Rocker, and of course, hilarity ensues.

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Frankenstein – Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

Halloween has arrived, and the Nerd is green with anger at finding out that there are bad video games on the NES and SNES that have been based on another horror legend – Frankenstein. With the aid of a very special-guest reviewer to share in the misery, The Nerd has dug-up three not-so-classics from the 8 and 16 bit era which are clunkier then the main protagonist they feature. He’ll be going green with re-appearing bosses, knock-off Street-Fighter moves and infuriating password screens. Enough to make anyone wish theyd never been born (again).
He’ll also discover that the monster he’s created isn’t just sat with him on the couch but embedded deep within his soul, forcing him to carry on torturing himself with terrible games until it destroys him. He should really have listened to Doctor Waldman…..

This is Angry Videogame Nerd episode 58


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Dracula – Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

Join Count Nerd for the 2008 Halloween special dedicated to all things Drac, taking us from humble beginnings of text based games to the awe and wonder that is (cough)…. full motion video. This episode charts The Fanged One’s miss-steps onto home consoles with 8 Reviews across multiple platforms ranging from 1980 – 1993. ‘What a horrible night to have a curse’ – indeed…
Did you know that the Prince of Darkness wears Reeboks? Or that he can be killed by touching dogs? Prepare to be scared when he sinks his teeth into NES educational mathematics..

This is Angry Videogame Nerd episode 57.


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Doublevision (Part 2) ColecoVision – Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

In part 2 of 2, the Nerd reviews the ColecoVision and plays the games that were made for this console, including Montezuma’s Revenge, Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventures in the Park, Chuck Norris Superkicks, and War Room. This is Angry Video Game Nerd Episode 45.

The console was released in August of 1982 and offered some of the best looking console versions of arcade games that had been seen at the time. One of which was a deal with Nintendo to have Donkey Kong as its “in box” title. The console has a library of over 145 games and by Christmas of 1982 had sold over 500,000 units.
With the video game crash in 1983, however, the sales in the industry dropped dramatically not being able to recover from the market crash. Even with sales in upwards of 2 million consoles in its lifespan, the Colecovision was officially discontinued in 1985.

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Doublevision (Part 1) Intellivision – Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

In this part one of two special, the Nerd looks at the Intellivision and the games made for it, including Utopia, Masters of the Universe: The Power of He-Man and Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, and also takes a look at two games designed for the Intellivoice Voice Synthesis Module.This is Angry Video Game Nerd Episode 44.

In part one of this two part review the Nerd takes a look way back to the 1980’s. With the introduction of the Atari 2600 in 1977 and its success, other companies decided to throw down with Atari and try to capitalize on this new market. This first of these efforts was the Intellvison by Mattel Electronics. The Intellivision was test marketed in 1979 and officially released in the US in 1980. The system sold over 3 million units and had a library of over 125 games. In 1982, there was even the Intellivoice adapter that put speech in the game (B-17 BOOOOOOMBER) and also the introduction of the Intellivison II which had detachable controllors and a more sleek design and even the ability to play Atari games with the Intellivision console (WHAT?). Unfortunately, with the video game crash of 1983 and a saturated market of competition Mattel Electronics closed its doors for good, taking substantial financial loss. In 2009 the Intellivision was named the 14th greatest video game console by Join us in part two when we take a look back to the Colecovision.

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