Hotel Mario (CD-I Part 1) – Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

The CD-I was released in 1991 by Phillips. They were originally working with Nintendo to produce a CD based add-on for the Super Nintendo, but when that didn’t happen, the console known as the CD-I was born. It was a massive failure, and the whole project lost the company nearly a billion dollars. Interestingly enough, after their deal fell through with Nintendo, they were still contractually allowed to use their characters for their system.
In part one of the three-part CD-I series, the Nerd takes a look at console’s only Mario title: Hotel Mario. After plans to develop a sequel to Super Mario World were scrapped, this game about closing hotel doors was made. Its bland gameplay and confusing controls has given it the reputation of being one of the worst Mario games ever made.

This is Angry Videogame Nerd episode 59


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Deadly Danger Dungeon – Board James (Episode 6)


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This episode features quite a treat, arguably the most brutal and unforgiving board game ever created, brought to us by the childhood mind of Board James himself.

Deadly Danger Dungeon!!!

But first, we’re treated to a smattering of other self-created games from James’ childhood. We go to space, cause mayhem in a neighborhood, steal jewelry, and even get a glimpse at the ORIGINAL Street Fighter 3!

Mike returns to take the role of a treasure-seeker who falls into a dungeon full of spikes, rocks, and nasty traps. Every step he takes could mean certain death, and only the luck of the dice will keep him alive!

Can Mike survive long enough to collect a key, a magic talisman, and escape to tell the tale? #retro #retrogaming #nes #snes #jamesrolfe #mikematei #atari #playthrough #gameplay #gamereview

Dick Tracy (NES) – Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

The Nerd turns into a detective to find out why no one would want to play Dick Tracy for the NES, and soon uncovers the many flaws and problems with it. This is Angry Video Game Nerd Episode 56.

A year on from Tim Burton’s successful revival of Batman onto the big Screen, Warren Beatty attempted something similar with another comic-book origin detective story, Dick Tracey. Hitting theatres in 1990, it had Beatty on producer, director and acting duty playing the title role. He was joined by a mouth watering cast including Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffman, and Madonna with Danny Elfman scoring. With a strong marketing campaign aimed at kids, expectations couldn’t be higher.

On its release though, the film received mix reviews, and despite a strong weekend opening, it generally disappointed at the box office. Twenty five years on, it hasn’t been able to establish itself with any kind of lasting memory or legacy for the character.

‘But what of the game?’ I hear you ask.. released by Bandai, (who really should have just stuck to making action figures) The game is both a driving top-down and side-scrolling platformer, putting the player in the role of a detective trying to gather clues to solve a case. Sound good right? If you can find yourself a steerable bullet-proof car, a map, pen and paper, plus hire a NASA scientist to help explain how the health power-ups work, you’ll enjoy it just fine …

The Nerd wasn’t so lucky. Better get your banana rain-coat on, the poo is about to hit the fan.

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Battletoads (NES) – Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

As the Nerd prepares to review Battletoads for the NES, he finds himself joined by the “guitar guy” who’s been living behind his couch, and who helps to show him why it’s impossible to complete the game with two players. This is Angry Video Game Nerd Episode 55.

Battletoads is one of the gems that Konami put out on the NES. Konami witnessed the success of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and created a franchise to mirror. The Battletoads franchise also sported action figures and an animated series, which never lived up to the hype of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The NES game debuted in 1991 and its’ notoriety stemmed from it’s obvious similarity to the Teenage Mutant Nina Turtles and its’ incredibly difficult gameplay. The game is also playable on the Sega Genesis and had a sequel/crossover game with Double Dragon. The game possesses extremely fluid gameplay and original music and sound effects that perfectly suit its’ “beat em up style.” The game included a variety level designs that go back and forth between beat em up, platform, and racing. All of which (beyond the second level) are infamously difficult. The Nerd reviews this game and demonstrates it’s impeccably cooperative two-player mode with his very recognizable theme song artist. The pair show us how a two-player beat em up game should be programmed as they pay homage to one of the most underrated classics from the NES library.

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