Terminator (Part 2) – Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

This time around the Nerd tackles the many incarnations of the Terminator sequel from the console ports of the T2: Arcade game to the NES and SNES versions based off the movie. With the successful second installment surely the games based off this couldn’t be as bad right? Well maybe if the dreaded rainbow (LJN) wasn’t the primary publisher we made have had a chance.

This is Angry Videogame Nerd episode 7

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#AngryVideoGameNerd #Terminator2 #AVGN71

Terminator – Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

The Nerd attempts to terminate some more bad games in his reviews, as he looks at a selection of NES, SNES, and Sega CD games, based on The Terminator.

This is Angry Videogame Nerd episode 70

Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=JamesNintendoNerd

Watch all Angry Video Game Nerd episodes https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2B009153AC977F90

Visit our website! http://cinemassacre.com/
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Dr DisRespect’s Black Ops | Sick Em Puppies #3

“Taking steroids specifically for online gaming purposes has dramatically changed my life. But be careful kids, you tend to grow hair in unwanted locations. For example, the inside of my ass.”

-Dr DisRespect


The Doc’s Twitter™

The Doc’s Facebook™


Dr DisRespect: The Theater Realm #2

You can watch Dr DisRespect’s latest Machinima Respawn Video here:

“In the Realm of the Theater mode, I ask you a simple question: ‘How far are you exploring the capabilities of the Theater Mode itself?’ Obviously I try to maximize my opportunities when presented…catch my drift?”

-Dr DisRespect


The Doc’s Twitter™

The Doc’s Facebook™


Dr DisRespect’s Black Ops | Sick Em Puppies #2

“The Doc wishes everyone a safe and dangerous Holiday experience in the online gaming community. Make sure to follow the Doc more exclusively on his Twitter and Facebook pages below to stay up to date on the latest and greatest. Until then, keep shedding the maroon flavored blood.”

Dr DisRespect’s Twitter – http://twitter.com/drdisrespect
Dr DisRespect’s Facebook – http://on.fb.me/fN6COE

Dr DisRespect: The Theater Realm #1

“Realize the reality of your approach and take a deep breath. It is time to transfer the methodical sphere of gaming dominace directly into your soul”

-Dr DisRespect


The Doc’s Twitter™

The Doc’s Facebook™


Winter Games – Angry Video Game Nerd

It’s Christmas, and the Nerd spends it this year by seeing what kind of virtual sportsman he can be in Winter Games for the NES.
It’s going to be a cold, rotten Christmas for The Nerd this year as he endures bleak, depressing graphics, glitch resembling animation and atrocious music. To top it all off he will attempt to make sense of some of the worst controls in video game history while the game lets him know how much he sucks the whole way through.
It’s one of those games that deserves a good beating, in reality of course! Find out what The Nerd has in store for this terrible game in this episode of Angry Video Game Nerd!

This is Angry Videogame Nerd episode 84

Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=JamesNintendoNerd

Watch all Angry Video Game Nerd episodes https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2B009153AC977F90

Visit our website! http://cinemassacre.com/
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Mike’s Twitter! https://twitter.com/Mike_Matei
Our Facebook Fanpage! https://www.facebook.com/Cinemassacre
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#AngryVideoGameNerd #WinterGames #AVGN84

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