Cinemassacre DVD Announcement

I’ve finally gotten around to making DVD’s of my old Cinemassacre movies. The first release in The Cinemassacre Collection will be “Cinematic Catastrophes”.

Cinematic Catastrophes DVD contents:

Cinemassacre 200 (2008)
Kung Fu Werewolf From Outer Space (2001) EXTRAS: Commentary
It Came From The Toilet (2001) EXTRAS: Commentary and documentary clips

The Dragon In My Dreams (2010) EXTRAS: Outtake clip
Cinemaphobia (2001) EXTRAS: Extended version, Outtakes, Commentary
Curse of the Cat Lover’s Grave (2003) EXTRAS: Outtakes, Commentary, Animatic, Behind-the-scenes montage

Also AVGN DVD VOL 5 coming soon (By December at the latest) The rest of the Cinemassacre DVD’s will come after. #retro #retrogaming #nes #snes #jamesrolfe #mikematei #atari #playthrough #gameplay #gamereview

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