In part 2 of 2, the Nerd reviews the ColecoVision and plays the games that were made for this console, including Montezuma’s Revenge, Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventures in the Park, Chuck Norris Superkicks, and War Room. This is Angry Video Game Nerd Episode 45.
The console was released in August of 1982 and offered some of the best looking console versions of arcade games that had been seen at the time. One of which was a deal with Nintendo to have Donkey Kong as its “in box” title. The console has a library of over 145 games and by Christmas of 1982 had sold over 500,000 units.
With the video game crash in 1983, however, the sales in the industry dropped dramatically not being able to recover from the market crash. Even with sales in upwards of 2 million consoles in its lifespan, the Colecovision was officially discontinued in 1985.
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